Monday, December 7, 2009

Difference = Beauty !!!

It doesn't mean if I hate you,

That I can't listen to you.

Just because you're not like me,

It doesn't mean you can't be right.

Jest because we're different,

Doesn't mean it's bad.

Look at every form of beauty,

You'll be surprised at what you find...

Imagine the world in three colors;

Blue, red, yellow and that's it!

It's mixing them all the time,

That brings thousands of new colors.

It's in difference where beauty lies,

It's indifference which cause the cries.

Why is it so hard to accept eachother?

Would it be difficult to respect one another?

I don't have to believe you are right,

But why not believe I may not be?

I don't have to accept your mind,

But there's no harm in trying to see

How to benefit from this variance,

Or look for something in common;

I'll meet you there my buddy...

And let's agree to disagree;

Whenever we face something different.

And let's agree to try to agree;

when we find any common ground.

Let's change while we can...

Let's change before we have to...

Why not make our own choices,

Rather than choices make us??

Why can't we believe in change?

It's the one thing that will never change.

Look around you and tell me,

Is it by any means still the same?

Nations rising and falling down,

The richest are getting broke,

The dumb are starting to talk,

The cripple can finally walk,

The young are getting old,

Ideals are being sold,

New stories are always told,

The world is getting too cold!

Why can't we realise the fact;

That it's always been the same?

Yes, it's always been different,

And no matter how you try, it will be,

Cause you simply know that, C'est la vie!

It's not so cool to be alike,

Look at nature and you'll understand,

That a woman is to be with a man,

That the positive to the negative must attract,

That it's most clear when you write,

With blank ink on a page so white!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I'm a Muslim, Arab, Egyptian....HUMAN!!!

Yes, I'm a Muslim...

No, I've never killed anyone, I have never tried killing my christian neighbours, nor even considered the idea. In fact, I got many friends who are not muslim !!

I'm not oppressed by my husband, or my family, noone forced me to dress the way I do. Oh! and by the way, I go to school....and guess what? most of the students there are females!!!

Yes, I'm an Arab...

No, I don't live in a tent, nor drive camels, I only drove a one once in my life in the zoo!!!

Actually I've never lived in the desert...and even if I did, I wouldn't be embarassed, cause simply it would have been my life, and my culture, and that's what makes our world so beautiful.

Yes, I'm Egyptian...

No, I don't dress like cleopatra, nor speak hyroglyphic...I don't see a pyramid when I look out of my window....I know there are too many pyramids in Egypt, but I've only seen the ones in Giza once or twice in my entire life...Egypt isn't just about pyramids.

I do admit pyramids are a great piece of architecture...but when I think about it, I find it kinda silly-with all due respect to everything and everyone Egyptian- but think about it; a pharoah wanted to get buried in a place where noone could ever find after his death, so he makes too many Egyptians build this enormous complicated things!!!

Yes, all this enormous pyramid is for a single pharoah's grave!!! I find it really funny when some, or let's say most Egyptians say: " we built the pyramids... we are the descendants of the pharoahs...wooohooo" !!!

Now wait a minute! Who are "you"?? and what makes you so sure that you even belong to the pharoahs in the first place?? Well, first; " YOU " did not build any pyramid, unless you believe in incurrination or something...that would be something else, and I won't go there...but seriously, the pyramids were built 7000 years ago, there's noway you could have built them.

Let's say I won't consider these 7000 years and that you represent the old Egyptian guys...Okay, you did built the pyramids 7000 years ago...And?? What have you built ever since then?? I know you might tell me that we have great things built recently as well...say Alexandria Library...well, I'll simply tell you : " Come on! You know 'YOU' didn't build that "

Well, Egyptians did built it, but who designed it?? i'm 99% sure whoever designed it wasn't Egyptian...So be a little realistic and stop hanging to extremely old monuments...I'm not underestimating the pharoanic civilization, but it ain't the only one that Egypt has witnessed. Egypt has witnessed many other civilizations; pharoanic, greek, romanic, coptic, islamic, arabic, turkish, persian, not to mention the French and British occupation!!!

So it doesn't make any sense, to skip all those cultures and civilizations and jump back 7000 years and start getting proud of the pyramids that you claim " you " built !!! Helloo !!! There's a big chance you don't belong to the pharoahs at all, considering all those different cultures and civilizations we've been through.

If you wanna be proud of the pyramids and the too many "Gods" old Egyptians believed in, why don't you be proud of the Sciences that we founded too?? Why can't you be proud of Ibn-Khaldoon as well? Or Al-Razy? Or the many muslim scientists that served people all over the world and up to this day with their great discoveries and inventions?

Again, all our glories and victories were in the past, it's great to be proud of them, but we have to be fair, and realistic, and start thinking a little bit...Many "muslim" " monotheistic " Egyptians today are so fascinated and to some extent still praise the ancient Gods of Egypt unconciously!!! Helloo?? You believe in the God who created everything else, my fellow Egyptian.

If you think you are the " great " Egyptian , the son of the pharoah, the son of the oldest civilization, the descendant of the pyramid builders, and the best of all nations, just hold on a second and think of anything "you" did recently that as great as a pyramid. And remember, you shouldn't praise " the Egyptians " too much to an extent that makes you think you're better than others.

Some people just keep saying "I AM THE EGYPTIAN!!! I AM THE BEST!!! WE ARE THE BEST!!!"....well, what about the rest of the Arabs?? I know what you'll say " Well...I AM AN ARAB!!! WE, THE ARABS ARE THE BEST!!! HAHAHA...!!! ONLY THE ARABS...BLA BLA BLA...." .... At the end you find yourself being fanatic to your nationality, then your what about the rest of muslims?? Don't you know that there are 4 times muslims out there in this world than the Arab Muslims??

And one should be honest, some muslims become too fanatic to the extent they don't be honest when it includes other muslims....So many Egyptian Arabs forget that there are other Arabs as well, from different nationalities, and so many Arab Muslims forget that there are other Muslims from other races, and so many Muslim Humans forget that there are other Humans from other religions!!! What on Earth is wrong with us??

It's okay to be proud of your country, your race, or your religion, but never look down on other people who are different from you, and never generalise. I am so proud of being Egyptian, I love my country, I think the pyramids are cool, and the pharoanic civilization was cool too, but there were other great civilizations as well in this country.

I'm so proud of being an Arab, and being an Arabic speaker, like the early muslims, but I know there are other non Arab Muslims, who are much better than me in God's eyes... To sum up, I'm proud of being Egyptian, but I love other Arabs too, I'm proud of being an Arab, but I love other Muslims too, I'm proud of being Muslim, but I love other humans too...I might be Egyptian, Arab or Muslim, but after all, I'm a human just like everyone else...simple as it is !

Monday, November 30, 2009

C'est la vie

Life will never be perfect so why bother mourning?

You sufferend in your life, so what?

You envy those who you think they didn't suffer as you did, well who told you?

If you think they have something or a lot more than you do, be sure you have something more than them.

When life gives you a haudred reasons to cry, give it a thousand reasons to smile; for you were granted something noone else have.

Think and search deep inside, you'll find out how lucky you are, not always but you are sometimes, you'll find how a wonderful person you are. Always keep in mind that you deserve to be loved, and not by anyone but YOU!

So love yourself first, and if someone happened to love the "you" that you love, then it would be great.

Think of those who love you and can't show their love to you. Love and care for those who love and care for you.

Always think before a choice, for a simple choice could change your life forever, yet it's never too late to change. You can't go back and make a new start but you can start now and make a new end. Cancel "what if" from your dictionary, because you might never know, you're not God, you will never know better than Him.

When you think you were cursed by a failure or more, remember that those who haven't failed yet will take too much time to recover from their coming failure. Unlike you, every failure that you go through makes you stronger, whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not, it makes you stronger. And every failure you have is just another brick in your wall of success.

When you find someone happy and you start wondering " why him? ", think of the things you have and start questioning " why me? ". when you can't remember something you have, unconciously thank God for the eye that makes you read this, for the knowledge you have and noone else does, for the body you own that makes you still alive, for those who love you and would die for you, for the breath you take normally while others don't, for the roof that lies over you , while others don't have a one, even if it's not your own house, think of the too many homeless people and thank God.

Thank Him no matter what; for He would never make you miserable your entire life. Keep in mind that life goes on no matter what, and nothing and noone would make it the end of the world excep God, and that everything changes but change itself, and that change has to come from the inside.
Don't give up and change your present, forget about the past, don't ever look at it unless you want to remember a lesson from it, don't bother too much about the future, because life always takes you a whole different way than you think. Don't waste your present day regretting the past or worrying about the future. Live today, as if it's your last one.

Always look at the half full of the glass and not the half empty. If you think all these are just words, try remembering an armless person you've seen on T.V., the beggars you passed by through your life, the cancer patients you heard of, or the childless people you personally know.

Never regret anything you did, because God made you do it for a reason, and not just any reason but a good one; to teach you sometimes, to test you other times, and to show you things you could have never seen or believed unless you had been through yourself.
If you regret a business you made, think of those who has no money at all, if you regret a marriage, think of those who are longing to have a one, if you regret making a family, think of tose who would give anything to have a one, and if you regret not having a one, think of those who have a one and do suffer a lot, if you regret having a baby, think of those who know they will never have a one, if you are so sad you won't have a baby, think of those who have a baby but mentally retarded or too unhealthy, if you regret wasting your time in something you didn't learn from, remember that you learned what not waste your time in again, if you lost a dear one think of those who lost their whole families, if you have a horrible family, think of those who have a wonderful one and lived to see them pass away; and be sure that it's equally horrible and painful.

Always remember that things don't just happen, but things are made to happen. Don't depend on luck, make it yourself with your own hands and knowledge, for you will gain something in the end no doubt. Sometimes you plant a seed and get too sad it didn't grow, just remember that it will fruit sooner or later.

Always remember that the one who makes things happen would never forget about them, have trust in Him, many of us have belief in God but a few have trust in God, He created you, made your whole life, would it be difficult for Him to feed you or reach out for you??

Do what you have to, change what you need to, never regret, trust God and trust your abilities, trust yourself, for you will always be able to....and when things collapse all at one time, remember that God is with you and He's planning for you better than you, and will never forget about you.... so stop worrying!!!!!

forward it to all your friends, only if you want to.

but if you didn't , be sure nothing will happen to you :P